Chiron in Virgo The Wound Of Perfection
Wounds Caused By Aiming at Perfection
Virgo is known as the shrewd, analytical, and meticulously organized sign of the Zodiac.
These people are perfectionists and this is the reason Chiron in Virgo can be all about the wounds which are a result of perfectionism.
There is always pressure to perform everything utterly precisely, and accomplish the highest level of perfection in all areas of life which is a daunting task.
This is the reason why people with such a Chiron placement have issues with stress, anxiety, and tension.
So Bound On Being Perfect
If you're Chiron has a sign in Virgo You are always feeling as though things are not good enough but you're able to improve them.
You're so focused to perfection that it could have an adverse impact on your life and on you.
However well the job is done, or how close your relationship is, you seem to find small things that sabotage your notion of perfection.
Distracting yourself from trivial matters just because you aim at being perfect in every way possible, reduces your motivation and turns individuals away.
It is easy to spot the defects in everything and everyone, rather than the positive things.
The Pain of Not Having Love In Your Life
Just as your life and you need to be perfect, so do you look for the same in your relationship.
Your Chiron wounds always keep you on your toes with a feeling that somehow you didn't make the right choice or committed with the correct person.
You're certainly searching for that "perfect the one" and the reason your love affair seems to always fall apart is that perfection does not exist.
Everyone is not perfect and it's more about not finding that perfect person however finding the ideal one that is right for you!
Try to Fix Everyone and Everything
People with Chiron in Virgo don't just want to be perfect, but so do the people in their life. From their families their close friends, to their coworkers, and familiars, they are always trying to "fix" everybody.
They tend to pursue people to alter their looks, behavior, or personality traits in order that they can fit into their notion of perfection.
Feeling Alienated And Isolated
If instead of accepting others you are trying to make them change then it's no surprise if everybody you know is able to decide to stay around you.
This is why Chiron in Virgo is a wound that comes from feeling isolated, lonely and disengaged from the rest of the world.
The Feeling Of Being Empty And Unsatisfaction With Yourself
People born with Chiron in Virgo tend to show obsessive compulsive behavior because they always try to achieve perfection and all has to stay in the perfect state.
There is a deep pain in your body from feeling like something is wrong with you and you are unsatisfied with your life.
There is a deep void in you and you are looking for completeness and happiness.
Due to this you may be obsessed with trying to determine the root of your problem so you can resolve it.
Pain From Not Being Able To Find Yourself
Due to your Chiron wound, you tend to undergo radical changes in yourself. This can make it difficult for your feelings and make you feel as if you don't have an identity for yourself.
You change clothing style hairstyle, appearance and taste, much more quickly than the wind changes direction.
Tendency To Be Judgmental
Because of your personal discontent it is natural to be critical of other people.
Your Chiron wound is responsible for leading to a lot of self-criticism that reflects in your personal and professional relationships.
It is a self-defense mechanism to guard against falling out of equilibrium in your own perfect world and that is why you feel anxious about social situations and tension in your communications.
It is common to see the world as black or white, and there's not a color in between.
How To Heal Chiron in Virgo?
Chiron in Virgo is one of the most sensitive positions.
Healing requires lots of time and effort , and it can last a lifetime with the healing appearing in various areas in your daily life.
However, once you've healed by transforming your pain and suffering into your strength, you'll be able benefit from your Chiron healing capabilities.
Chiron Healing Gifts
Your vulnerability transforms into your strength , and you'll have the life you've always dreamed of for yourself.
You can be happy and satisfied even if all is perfect or even near perfection.
The ability to overcome your fear and pain is a tool you can use to help yourself through your life journey and to help others too. That is your Chiron healing gift to you.
The Strength To Look At The World in Its Current Form and Love It
You recover when you realize that there is nothing wrong with you , and you don't have to be flawless, it's enough just to be happy. You accept your flaws as well as your "differences" because you know they are part of who you are.
There is the good as well as bad in people, but you tend to first focus on the positive. Learning to accept other people's imperfections makes you more aware as you realize that there is no one flawless, and there never will ever be.
The world is a fun environment because of our flaws which make us special and individual. Once you master living by rules that aren't insurmountable and not impossible, it becomes easy for you to be at ease and content with your existence.
These are your healing talents which you can use them to heal and teach your fellow humans to appreciate the way things are, not the way they believe it should be. Being unperfect and having flaws is an absolutely normal and human thing. What is important is joy, happiness, and peace.