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Christina Thompson

Gemini Sun with Sagittarius Moon

If you're a Gemini Sun Sagittarius Moon, you're extremely talented and inspired, however, you are also impulsive and naive. similar to those who are Fool in the Tarot deck, you either explore and discover new worlds , or you tumble over the edge. Perhaps you weren't born yesterday However, there are occasions when you awake in early morning to look around the world for your first time. Your perpetual optimism has erased the disaster or mishap of yesterday out of your mind.

Being a Gemini Sun Sagittarius moon, your amazing range of vision and imagination, as well as your intellect and enthusiasm can keep up to twelve people entertained for the duration of their lives however, no matter how talented you are it will take all the energy you can muster to stay sane. Impatience, insanity, reckless excess, and even rebellion can be the traits that can sabotage your ambitions and work.

If you're a Gemini Sun Sagittarius Moon You are a lover of freedom and you hate any kind of constraint. The road that is open to you is much more appealing to you than the tediousness of a job that is routine or the confines of the classroom. You see life as something to be enjoyed and loved, and you'd like to know the details independently, forgetting the lessons that you've learned from your predecessors.

A true rebel without reason, you will reject any sign of orthodoxy or conformity. Exuberant even to flimsiness how often have you left some thing in the which you are totally involved, to follow the whims of something else that seemed more thrilling and exciting?

Gemini Sun Sagittarius Moon managing your anxiety, establishing your goals, and acquiring the discipline and focus to stick to these are the things you need to be able to master. If you're not having fun do not blame the Astrologer. The bottom story, all you'll have is a memory of awe-inspiring incidents to share with your children. Perhaps that's the way you'd like it!

Gemini Sun Sagittarius Moon Gemini Sun Sagittarius Moon combination is a great combination for artists, scientists, scholars and philosophers. In reality, there's almost nothing you cannot do after you've developed the power of willpower and self-control. The most effective way to develop the discipline you need is to put yourself in an organized structured, well-structured, and effective learning framework. This doesn't mean you should abandon the soldier-of-fortune zeal It's just that you need to learn how to harness it in a constructive way.

If you're the Gemini Sun Sagittarius moon, you tend to be trusting, so it is recommended to associate more with highly organized and committed people. Try to hang out with enthusiastic Capricorns, work-minded Virgos or hard-working Taureans as well as staying away from frenzied Geminis and Sagittarians.

Having a Gemini Sun Sagittarius Moon you are romantic and sensual, you like variety in your love life, and this may be why you have a love-them-and-leave-them reputation. Resolving your love for one person is the same as resolving your goals and ambitions in your life. While you may have the highest standards of honor and loyalty but you're usually the first to let them down.

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