If you're someone with an Leo Sun Scorpio Moon, you're an extremely intense Leo and it could be risky to make fun of your personality, since you see your life and others with the greatest seriousness. Inspiring, courageous and abrasive typically, you have a clear plan for your life and adhere to it with care. You are a fan of the battlefield of life. in the event that there isn't some competition and lots of it. However, it can feel like you've been a bit unsatisfied.
If you're born under the Leo Sun Scorpio Moon, while you present an image of fun You are actually driven and ambitious. You are a secretive person as you may think that if you ever revealed yourself and your identity, you'd give your adversaries an advantage (even many of your enemies reside in your mind). In a world of materialistic and sensual you're looking for every ounce of power, comfort and control you can gain from your daily life. If you've determined to get an opportunity, a trinket, or a relationship, nothing will stop you from achieving your goals. in the way of your goal. Indomitable and courageous you set out to achieve your goals with a steady, steady effort. your fervor, confidence and unwavering determination will help you achieve your goals.
In contrast to other Leos, with the Leo Sun Scorpio Moon you are sharp and perceptive to understand the ways in the global world. Business, management and finance are a draw for your attention, along with anything that has a hint of competition.
If you're a person who has the Leo Sun Scorpio Moon, at one point or other, you've likely felt some artistic urges. The Scorpio Moon can uplift and keep that drive for creativity from those born under the Leo Sun, but since you're so focused on immediate pleasure (such as when you're hoping to receive that promotion or achieve the next sexual triumph) it is rare to adhere to your artistic impulses. If you can redirect some of those sexual desires and exercise a little control, you might become an aspiring Picasso. But your artistic talents will not be able to express themselves at all, not in this moment with all the other things going on.
The two signs in this Leo Sun Scorpio Moon combination are fixed signs. This provides you with a lot of determination endurance, strength, and an unwavering sense of purpose however, it is also a sign of stubbornness and rigid (especially when you are defending your beliefs). You are independent to the point that it is difficult for you to take on the opinions or suggestions of others around you, and you are never willing to make compromises.
When you're born with an Leo Sun Scorpio Moon, this rigidity provides you with the ability to have a low threshold of stress. You're not able to remain in emotions of anger, discontent or hurt pride for long. When you're feeling overly demanding or tense instead of trying to unwind and forget your issues, you'll overreact, taking your anger on your partner and children or your colleagues. Be more flexible. Learn to cultivate respect and tolerance for those who you interact with and live with.
If you're born under the Leo Sun Scorpio Moon, there are two sides to your personality It is possible to be kind warm, protective and generous. However in the event that things get rough or you feel tyrannical or self-righteous. The best way to keep cool is to to spot the signs of stress early before you get to the point of breaking. You can then channel some of stress into activities that are positive. For instance, you'll discover that playing sports is beneficial to your mental wellbeing.
If you're the Leo Sun Scorpio Moon, you tend to be committed and loyal to your family and friends after they have earned your trust, however you are open to new acquaintances occasionally. In your relationship it is possible that your spouse will have to accept a variety of demands, and definitely follow your rules. If you're a bit naive You could be over-protecting your lover without even realizing. Allow your partner to have some space so that your bond can last for longer.