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  • Christina Thompson

Midheaven in Cancer

Midheaven in Cancer 10 th House Meaning in your Birth Chart

What can this Midheaven sign reveal about your personal life?

As a Water sign, Cancer is drawn to the inner world rather than the world out there. A Cancer Midheaven suggests that you are not interested as much in the recognition in the eyes of the world, but in getting your inner peace and emotional fulfillment. The best solution is to understand your place in the world. Privacy is probably important to you, both in not sharing too much and in not revealing the most intimate issues you face (more about the latter in the IC section).

This placement means that cardinal signs play an significant part in the horoscope, particularly when there is a Midheaven in Cancer. Midheaven in Cancer can be supported by planets personal to you in cardinal signs. If you are not sure what the meaning of the cardinal modality is but don't fret: These indicators (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) are associated with energy, initiative, action. Angles in cardinal signs signify a person who prefers to captain their own vessel. If your work doesn't bring you feelings of satisfaction anymore then you should consider changing careers. Many people with this type of situation have multiple jobs over the course of their careers.

Your natal Midheaven in Cancer, you do very well in professions that let you be proactive and are able to make changes when you don't like the standard of the game. While you may prefer calm work environments however, they shouldn't be overly rigid with strict rules. You probably work better when you are able to be able to unwind and then look into your own way the things you're supposed to do. You'll need some quiet in the workplace.

It's crucial in Midheaven in Cancer people to feel good about their work. It's vital for your mental well-being that you do so.

When it comes to your goals in life, you generally tend to prioritize your emotional needs over more worldly objectives. It's not unusual to find that those who are in this position give more of their energy to their families and friends than their professions. This, of course, doesn't mean that you don't have goals, but it is important to you that you make sure you are taking care of yourself as well as others in the process, so you can get the emotional fulfillment you desire. In your professional life, it's more likely to make sure that people don't get offended when conflicts rather than trying to get the needed results.

For you, a job can provide access to tools that enable your family to prosper. Sometimes, raising your family is your job and that's what you are known for out on the market.

It is believed that the Midheaven in Cancer suggests that you want to feel secure in your position in this world. Many people with this position did not have it when they were children and as adults they seek it. The possible negative effect of having an MC in Cancer could be feeling vulnerable and helpless in this world. You might feel uncertain about the ability of you to overcome it particularly on your own.

It's quite common for Cancer Midheaven individuals to not be thought of as ambitious by their peers. But it would be an error to think that you are not very ambitious. Often, those with this placement have high ambitions in being a great parent and showing the people around them love. This placement suggests that you are often working in professions which permit you to help others. You are probably not uncompromising in your career. It is not your style to take risks in this life area, and even if you take them, you're comfortable with taking calculated risk.

This can manifest as having a profession that is related to the general public in one way or another. It is easy to understand the desires of the public. The person who is the MC in Cancer is excellent work which involves working with the public, if you overcome the anxiety and shyness. It's not a wonder that the Midheaven in Cancer is a frequent choice among politicians or artists. The ability to read the mind of Cancer can help you figure ways to entice the audience away. Cancer has a patriotic protective side as well It's no surprise that this sign is frequently emphasized in these charts for politicians.

People with this kind of position require work that permits them to express their creativity (it may be the thing you're known as!). If it's supported by other placements in the charts, you have an imaginative mind that is manifested in the workplace in the first place. You can make the most of this placement if you become comfortable with your own emotional needs. This suggests that you weren't given psychological security in your home and this could hamper your ability to succeed in the international level. When you've built the security you need as an adult, you will be able to contribute a lot to the world.

If you have your Midheaven in Cancer Then it is ruled by the Moon. This Moon is the planet of emotions and intuition. It is a subtle but powerful planetary energy. The Moon's sign as well as its house and aspects should be considered when discussing Cancer MC. Cancer MC.

Midheaven in Cancer Careers

This topic was previously mentioned and we'll bring this again since it's important: there are numerous things you should factor in while trying to figure out someone's career in your birth chart. Beyond the MC sign, its aspects, rulers, and planets in the 10 th house are all important. The earth houses are employed as indicators of career.

To summarize, some typical Midheaven in Cancer careers are:

  • food industry

  • caregiver

  • Teaching and working with children

  • art

  • politics, diplomacy

  • psychology

  • real estate

Careers that let you work with people, use your imagination, and be a caregiver for others could be all good choices as midheaven in Cancer career options.

IC in Capricorn

When discussing the Midheaven, it's best to look at the other side of the axis: the IC. This point represents the bottom that the skies are at a particular moment from a given place. When you look at the chart of birth, the Imum Coeli is a way to determine the characteristics are only exhibited in the company of your inner circle. The point at this point is the cusp of the fourth House in home systems of the quadrant which is the house of private life, home, as well as family (among various other factors). This is because the IC is always opposite to the MC. This is also a parental angle.

What does the IC in Capricorn can reveal about your home life and childhood?

The people who fall into this category typically have a parent in whose home rules were sacred and resources were scarce (be it attention, time, or cash). They were required to meet high expectations that made them more mature than their peers. It's normal for them to be with more responsibilities than children would be expected to have. (These aren't necessarily expectations regarding academic achievement, sometimes it was the job as a peacemaker in the family or the need to emotionally take care of loved ones). It's not uncommon to see those who are in this situation develop even people-pleasing tendencies,. It is common to be aware of other people's needs as overcompensation of the emotional bitterness in the family.

In many cases, the environment at home was designed to promote survival , not emotional intimacy. Emotions and needs were not thought to be practical and therefore not worth paying attention to.

It's also a typical idea that self-expression through creativity is blocked in favor of practical activities. The primary focus was to make sure you do your best to ensure that you have the resources you need. A sign that says Imum coeli in Capricorn often indicates that the person was denied playfulness, carefreeness and jovialness in their childhood. These traits weren't probably what you were praised for.

The moral values and resilience you were taught in your childhood can provide an ideal base upon which to build your own when you are able to give your inner child the psychological security you required as an infant.

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